What kind of Vegetarian are you?
Vegans avoid all animal products:leather, fur,& wool. Don't eat eggs, dairy products, or honey.
Fruitarians eat only fruits, seeds, nuts, and other plant components gathered without killing plant.
Ovo Vegetarians: do not eat any kind of animal flesh or meat, and no milk, but eat eggs.
Lacto Vegetarians:do not eat any type of animal meat, poultry or eggs but eat dairy.
Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarians: do not eat pork, beef, poultry, fish or animal flesh but eat eggs & dairy.
Pesco Vegetarians do not eat meat except for fish,maybe seafood,do eat eggs&dairy.
Pollo Vegetarians do not eat meat except for chicken,maybe poultry.Eats eggs & dairy.
Pesco Pollo Vegetarians do not eat meat except for fish & chicken maybe poultry.Eats eggs & dairy.
Flexitarians are those who mostly stick to a vegetarian lifestyle but occasionally eat meat.
I'm a meat eater.
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