e2�� High tech outsourcing in Des Moines? You're nuts. Call cenetrs are one thing, but high-tech work needs a population schooled in math and science. In India (and China), math and science are culturally considered cool and the numbers of skilled engineers and scientists are incredible, while in middle America math and science is geeky and keeps getting in the way of what the Bible teaches. I don't think you'll ever find pervasive high-tech outsourcing in a culture where more than half don't believe in evolution.That's a really bigoted thing to say. I received a very good science and math education at public school in suburban Cleveland. Carnegie Mellon, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, University of Wisconsin, University of Michigan, and university of Texas all have top-rated computer science programs, and all are in middle america. There is no shortage of geeks in the middle america.. just a shortage of jobs for them when the graduate. Rate this comment: 0 0
by Yvonne 08:59:15 AM 2013.06.30 |