Anyone drunk blogging the SOTU?How many times will he meinton Bush, or refer otherwise to the previous administration, or the mess he inherited after a decade of prolifigate spending, which he HAD to out do by more than duplicating it in 12 months?I bet when he attacks the awfulness of those Wall Street profits and bonuses he won't meinton Franklin, or Jamie, or Jim.Johnson earned $21,000,000 in just his last year at Fannie Mae. Raines earned $90,000,000 for five years' work at Fannie Mae. Gorelick got $26,000,000.And then it all fell apart. (! Surprise!)That's a lot of mortgage payments that could have made negotiated for people who needed to be bailed out ....Damned Wall Street bankers.I'm counting angels on pin heads tomorrow evening.
by David 05:27:19 PM 2012.06.18 |