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Poll: Do you believe in god?
Question: Do you believe in god?
• Yes
• No

Created at 01:21:10 AM 2008.08.11

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Comments (61)
honest answer

by louise miller 01:40:46 AM 2008.08.16
Yea.if you dont read the book "The Revelations Of Hell"

by W.Johnson23 04:21:28 AM 2008.08.16
There is a God. The Holy Bible is the only book that people have never been able to prove wrong.

by Helena 05:23:02 PM 2008.08.16
I believe there is the only the one true all mighty god in this universe the and only known as the trinity that unit us with him god the father ,god the spirit, and god the son. with the belief that his existents is there any thing is possible.

by Sabreana 10:01:34 PM 2008.08.16

by 10:45:19 PM 2008.08.16

by MYRNA 11:52:17 PM 2008.08.16
have any of you actually read the 'holy' bible? Christianity supports pointless death and suffering. It says we should kill every homosexual, every person that has committed adultery and everyone that has cursed their mother or father. That would be about half of Australia dead. And anyway isn't one if 10 ten commandments 'don't murder'? Yet he still wants us to kill everyone that has done 'bad' things. Oh and with Adam and Eve, so they had kids right? then what? their kids had kids with each other yeah? that's the only way it can work, and do you all know what that it? ADULTERY!!! oh and myrna if not because of our parents all of us wouldn't exist.

by bray 09:39:33 AM 2008.08.17

by ~♥~MRP♥AMG~♥~ 02:35:07 PM 2008.08.17

by MARY LOVE 04:07:56 PM 2008.08.17
i dont beleive in god i really dont i think someone just made dah shit up to give ppl somethin to do

by JAde 11:36:35 PM 2008.08.17
plus to dat person who said dat dey havent proved dah bible wrong well dey didnt prove it right

by Jade 11:38:20 PM 2008.08.17
well you gys are right but i kinda belive in god but not the bible

by maira 01:48:05 AM 2008.08.18

by KENNETH L.THROWER 02:18:14 AM 2008.08.18
um a lot of u have good thoughts bray the bible says we should not codone those who are homos and all that other stuff not kill them cause we have all sinned and we all deserve to die all that was from the old testament when ppl did have to account for thier sins physically and they believed eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth. but if you read the whole bible and the new testament it says God sent his son Jesus to die for us so technically yea most people want homos murderers dead but God(jesus) died so they dont have to and if they turned to him then all of that would be forgotten in God's eyes not us humans whose hearts are devcieved heavily with sin. and the adam and eve thing thats not adultery look the definition up bud before u use it in a wrong text. in the bible it says adultery is lusting after a woman with sexual intentions. i know how is any man supposed to be able not to do that because of sin our eyes are cloudy and we need to turn to God and by that way we know that any woman is a gift to man from God and he wants us to have that gift in a special way through marriage. and uh jade the bible has been proven right many times look when scientist from the old times believed the earth was flat the bible says its round and thats were they found out the earth wasnt flat, when they also said that there was like only 1 billion stars in the galaxy the bible says there are numerous stars so many that they dont have an exact count for them the bible says that as well and thats why to this very day scientists are becoming christians more then anyone because they try and proove the bible wrong and end up finding out its true and look at all this war and stuff and iran trying to take israel those are prophecies that the bible has predicted will happen which it is. and maira you can only truley believe in the one TRUE God if you believe in his holy word. because the bible is jesus the bible as a physical figure God's word and jesus is God so the two go together. if yall want to talk more email me at

by nick 02:20:43 AM 2008.08.18
bray ur a dumb ass if god says you can ask for forgive ness then it dont matter but if god didnt create us our parents wouldntbe here which means we wont be here!

by lindsey 05:58:55 AM 2008.08.18
oh right, i'm the dumbass, GOD DIDN'T CREATE YOU. There?s no evidence for God whatsoever. Sensible theists admit that their belief is founded on nothing but faith, but there are always those who claim to have evidence of irreducible complexity, healings, out-of-body experiences or other such stupid notions and treat them as evidence for the existence of their particular God. There?s never really any agreement on the exact definition of God. Many hold that God is almighty, but at the same time there are things God can?t do. Many hold that God is all-loving, but at the same time the world is full of evil. Many hold that God is all-knowing, yet God often regrets His actions. oh and nick read, Leviticus, chapter 20 and Exodus, chapter 21 i'm pretty sure it says death in there. and In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth... That's not true. In the beginning a natural event created the universe as we know it, and the earth did not form until billions of years later. The creation story in Genesis is completely wrong. Simply read Genesis and you can see it. For example, the Bible says that light and darkness are created after the water but before the sun. Everyone knows that the sun came first, then the planet and its rotation (which is what causes light and darkness to occur on a daily basis) and then the water, and this all happened over million of years. There are many other problems with the Bible: > Man did not come from a handful of dust through some mythological being. Man evolved from other species like every other living thing has for hundreds of millions of years. > The Bible talks about a world-wide flood that covered earth in 5.5 miles of water and killed everything, yet we know it never happened. That is clear from the archeolgical record. > There was no tower of Babel where God confounded the languages of mankind. The list goes on and on. The Bible is nonsense in a thousand different scientific ways. The reason why the Bible contains so much nonsense is because God is imaginary. The Bible is a book written thousands of years ago by primitive men. A book that advocates senseless murder, slavery and the oppression of women has no place in our society today.

by bray 06:13:04 AM 2008.08.18
O come on Bray if you wanna talk about there being evil in the world and point out things in the bible, god gave man free will like with Adam and Eve they ate from the tree of life and then came sin and death. Evil is all mans choice and god gave them that. How is it that you "know" it. Were you there?? Were our scientists there?? No its just a theory. There is nothing that can prove that the big bang even happened!! Billions of years?? Scientists will do anything to explain anything. So you put your faith in that and we put our faith in god. And if you wanna talk about what is ridiculous how is it that you believe in evolution?? I mean come on us from a monkey? Dolphins and sharks from the same animal? Cats and dogs from the same animal?? That is nonsense, just cause they are similar in some ways doesn't prove evolution. But of course that is macro and not micro evoulution. And about the flood there is proof about the flood, why is it that there is sea algae on the Himalayan mountains? O I guess Christians air lifted it up there to prove a point. Pretty much there is no hard evidence that the bible is wrong ever, I mean all there is is you not believing jesus's acts like water to wine etc. And another thing if the those guys who wrote the bible were so primitive then how is it that they knew that the earth rotated before the "most brilliant minds in the world" gathered more than a thousand years afterward and finally said the earth was round. And before the atom was discovered the bible says that god is the lifeforce that holds everything together, there is no scientific reason why atoms are able to stay formed and well its already been explained.

by Sean 07:37:20 AM 2008.08.18
If you actually look through the book further you find that it is totally sexist from beginning to end. You keep opening the book to random pages, and nearly everything you find is utter nonsense. Either it is meaningless, completely irrelevant, disgusting or downright wrong. It says"I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over a man." That is totally sexist! In Australia, there are thousands of female teachers and we have women throughout our corporate and govenment hierarchies. No intelligent person believes that women should be silenced. It actally leaves me dumfounded. the author of the book is advocating slavery, the branding of slaves, and the wholesale beating of slaves. If you are reading a book written by the all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving creator of the universe, wouldn't you expect to be stunned by the brilliance, the clarity and the wisdom of the author? Would you not expect each new page to intoxicate you with its incredible prose and its spectacular insight? Wouldn't you expect the author to tell us things that scientists have not been able to discover yet?Yet, when we open the Bible and actually read it, we find it is nothing like that at all. Instead of leaving us in awe, it leaves us dumbfounded by all of the nonsense and backwardness that it contains. If you read what the Bible actually says, you find that the Bible is ridiculous. Sure believe in it all you like, but you are actually supporting pointless sufferings and death.

by bray&katie. 08:18:16 AM 2008.08.18
i really luv vampire so much,i don't know maybe people ask me crazy n sometime i wonder to meet her,hehehe ;D,n i really believe god

by echa 09:32:02 AM 2008.08.18

by guest 01:56:28 PM 2008.08.18
all right bray man i love a man like u dude first of all man was created by God if and u know wat ur right the earth was created by a big bang in my belief in the bible in genesis God says things and the earth was there right so yea it was the big bang and that something that created the earth one quetion that ur scientists u keep trying to figure out how the earth was created keep saying something cause it to be created well God let be created. and like i said scientists cant proove that theory wrong that a divine being did create the earth. one of the latest nobel piece prizes given out was to 3 guys who won 5 million dollars of thier theory of how the earth was created, man i wish i were them, listen to this u know how they got that 5 mil they stood there and had the audience watch and said this is how the earth and universes was created they took a quarter and spun it and when it stopped said thats how the earth was created and they won 5 million dollars for spinning a quarter, now come on now they just put all of you big bang guys in a hole, they just said that the big bang was like that spinning quarter, the universe spun around til it stopped like the quarter did and when it stopped everything fell into place. one quick question how was the universe spun, just like that quarter someone had to of spun it. oh and the evolution thing yea the bible talks about evolution to bud. but again for evolution to happen it had to be created first of all right the first one had to be created and adam was that first one. the dust part is just showing how awesome and creative God is. and when maned sinned God says we will go back into the earth just like we were created ashes to ashes dust to dust. and if evolution was true then y is there that missing link huh, idk but u better go catch big foot so you can have ur missing link then we might believe in evolution. and all the evil thing well there would be none of that in the first place if we never sinned.

by nick 01:57:29 PM 2008.08.18
satan is the father of all evil and he came to destroy what God created, and he is doing a good job let me show you some bible facts if we were to stick to God's ultimate plan and follow the bible none of the "bad" would happen. if we would follow God's plan of marriage and wait til after marriage to have sex then no one would have std's which is scientifically prooven the longer you wait the better cause at a young age you are more likely to get an std cause you stuff isnt strong enough yet and hasnt matured, it gets strong as you age,

by nick 01:57:55 PM 2008.08.18
so bout the time you get married the chances of you getting an std are very slim. and all the suffering in the world people always ask if God is so loving and caring why would he allow cancer and death. well again it goes back to man sinning God is loving and all of that but he is also powerful, and very justful. look at lung cancer how do we get it, smoking and drinking hmm i dont think God says to drink or smoke right. the bible is full of wonderful stories God's is so strong powerful and loving he is described as our spiritual father and just like our earthly father we do get punished for the things we do bad. but God does give us a way out of our bad things threw his son Jesus. yea an sean is right, the flood did exist we see it everywhere go out into a desert and look around you will find fossils of fish in the hottest of deserts, all of these moutains how do they have these water cuts to form them the way they are well the flood of course. oh and you want scientific proof of the flood im guessing so here you go., the bible states when God created the heavens and eath and put water in the earth and in the heavens the definition of heaven in genesis is sky, and non christian scientist believe this to that a long time ago before the flood there was a shield of water that surrounded the earth. well with that thats why everyone before the pre flood days were able to live longer think if that shield of water was still there the tempeture on earth was the same on every area of the eath the oxygen was at its strongest. so people were a whole lot bigger with proof showing it people average heights were 10 ft because of that oygen humans big ones at that were able to live longer and healthier lives and with that shiled protecting from the sun it protected every living thing from the harmful uv rays that the sun gave out so there was no cancer. and proof of bigger animals and humans is also prooven by scientists and the bible. do you believe in dinosaurs bray u kind of have to right cause we have proof of that right well genesis says that there were giants walking the earht before the flood and you can even see that adam talked of some animal with saurus in the name. and with all that oxygen that was very strong before the flood helped those big animals live. now were am i going with this, well back to the evil part humans made God very upset at that time and God being a just God wanted to just end all of humanity right there but no agian him showing the he was a caring God he gave humans another chance he chose noah, noah's wife, his 3 boys and thier girlfriends to be saved and not to mention noahs only person that he found was "righteous" was lot and his wife so they built the ark and you know the story the floods came well the bible states that God made all the water come from the heavens and the earth. agai the heavens also mean sky so when the flood came from the deepest depths of the earth it also broke that shield of water in the sky. and when the waters subsided the shield was still there but very heavily damaged. not much survived from the flood but noah's family did and his sons and thier girlfriends helped get the human poplulation gain its numbers back cause the bible says that his sons and thier gf's were married after they got of the ark. noah then took wood from the ark and made an offering to the Lord. God made a covenant to never send that STRONG of a flood to destroy ALL of manking again that sign was the rainbow coincidence hmm now i know you believe in rainbows right well heres proof of them and also how they were created and what they mean. now because of that shield being destroyed dinosaurs eventually died off because the oxygen wasnt strong and bigger animals need alot of oxygen so a lot of them died off or EVOLVED so that they could survive as smaller creatures.

by nick 01:58:26 PM 2008.08.18
and humans didnt live as long because God had to use that shield for the flood we were soon being exposed to those uv rays of the sun therefore getting skin cancer if men never of sinned and God didnt have to send the flood there would be no skin cancer. all of that was prooven true by scientists. and katie im assuming wrote the sexest thing, know the bible says nothing of the sort, first of all God created woman as a gift to man, because if we didnt the the evolution thing would be true cause we would be having sex with monkeys and not women but God gave us that gift of a woman. yea the bible does say that man is head of the household and women are to be abliged to thier HUSBANDS and respectful of man the first gender created. cause God did give authority to adam over every lving creature on earth including the woman. and some of that is eve to blame when she bit into that apple God cursed her for disobeying her. thats why you have pain in child birth. the bible does say women need to obey there husbands but it also says that men need to respect woman and treat them with respect cause woman are a gift from God and you treat them like it was a gift of yours. man this is fun keep throwing more of that evolution stuff out i can have tons of material being a professor at a college and having many scientists christiand and non christians helping me out. again email me if you wish if you want to talk more

by nick 01:58:42 PM 2008.08.18
yeh icf reading all that so whatever, you believe what you want to and i'll believe what i do.

by guest 06:39:17 AM 2008.08.19
yeh icf reading all that so whatever, you believe what you want to and i'll believe what i do.

by bray 06:39:33 AM 2008.08.19
and making people out of dust isn't creative. it's impossible.

by katie 07:10:35 AM 2008.08.19
not for the almighty God it isnt

by nick 03:22:19 AM 2008.08.20
lol wtf, your an idiot, nick. it is impossible

by miles 06:17:21 AM 2008.08.20
for the person who said they cant prove the bible wrong then never proved it right either and i think ppl truly are on crack wen dey say dey talk to god it's bull shit nd someone probaly just made up dis shit to distract ya from somethin else

by Jade 11:01:42 PM 2008.08.21
It is all about faith you guys. How is it that you say that our faith is so stupid to believe and yet you guys mostly believe in the Big Bang theory. That doesn't make any since cause just look at the solar system, how is it that its somehow made planets that orbits the sun. And also just look at your body how is it that the atoms somehow just knew exactly how to create the human body, its so complex and just the very idea of a "bang" creating everything is even more unbelievable. its is just as likely to happen as me throwing a handful of clock pieces and hoping that they assemble. You see a clock needs intelligence to make.

by Sean 08:48:04 PM 2008.08.24

by PIKECOBLUEYED_WOMAN 10:08:37 PM 2008.08.25
I am the one that posted the comment.... I know that there is a God and that he can make the impossible POSSIBLE....When he comes back for his children then there will be your answer!!!!! MY GOD IS REAL.... I pray for alot of Mercy for the ones that has choose to not BELIEVE or SERVE another God... Satan might be partying right now here on this earth.....But when God comes to carry his children home HE WILL BUT SATAN AND THE HELLYAN'S IN THE LAKE OF FIRE !!!!!!! The Father, the Son and the Holyghost......Amen.....God Bless

by Tiffney 04:23:02 AM 2008.09.03
I believe in God and He always says that the darkness hides from Him. You people who wish to insult and judge Him are fearful of existence and purpose. Go on and live your dead end lives peacefully but do not harm any religious people wether they be christian or whatever. Just because you're bitter doesn't mean we want to hear you complain.

by Dr. Tran 02:10:12 AM 2008.09.11
religion...don't get me started. how many people have died in the name of god? christian, muslim they're all the same to me. "if god is on our side then who's on their's?" to me, to believe in god is pointless, i ask why? is it because you think if you believe in god that when you die you will be saved by the almighty? it's just a fools hope.

by shaun 02:03:42 AM 2008.10.22
Don't look at those Christians and Muslims and think that all people of Islam and Christ are like that. I have a few Muslim friends, Mohamed and Ali and they are close friends, we don't want to kill each other over our beliefs. Don't judge an entire people on a few. And people have faith in a God because he created everything and we believe not just because we hope that there is an after life.

by Sean 02:45:01 AM 2008.10.22
i'm not just singling out the prementioned religions i'm talking about ALL religions. because of ones beleifs automatically sporns pre-conceived judgements about other religions which creates racism and superiorty. the only religion that is decent is budism. i also have many different religious friends of various backgrounds and i respect their beliefs, i just wish people like you would not try to change me, i am who i am and i like my beliefs and just because i don't believe in an almighty being does not mean i need to be changed. you see and hear of it all the time, the majority picking on the minority, trying to mould them into what they believe is the "correct" way to act and think. let me live the way i chose

by shaun 03:20:38 AM 2008.10.22
Hey man I have atheist friends too and I don't try to change them but if you talk about Christians or whatever believing that are better than everybody else, that is not totally true, I know there are those that believe they are but there are still others that don't, Christianity teaches also that you are to love everybody and teach them as you wish to be treated this is how I live my life. There are good Christians and bad Christians, sheep and wolves in sheeps clothing. They are totally different.

by Sean 06:44:26 AM 2008.10.22
o really dont think there is a god.if there was, why is all this sad stuff happening?please explain if he is such a good man why is he doing this to hes own creation? I Know your gonna say.satan. how are you sure its him? how do you know god exists,have you seen him? out of all religions what makes you think hes the REAL god? maybe we ARE like animals..*evolution*I mean..if i get a jar,and fill it up with sugar candy etc. i shut the jar completely.ants are still going to form inside.maybe thats how we were created? not by jehova...pluss.ive read the satanic bible for some made alot of talked about how Lucifer is angry that we*hes creation* are following the wrong that case hes enemy.wouldnt u be angry too? "jehova won the battle,but not the war" also,do you even know who Lilith and Samael are? their stories really made me understand lucifers case... and god i dont know. but all religion is so...

by stewie 10:50:46 PM 2008.10.23
The reason why things are happening the way they are now is because Adam and Eve both sinned against God and because of that they introduced sin to humanity. And Satan succeeded in convincing them to disobey God. Because of that, it created disease, death, several other punishments to man. God has also givin us a choice to either choose to follow him or against him or neither. It is our choice to do any of these. It is not God doing all this bad stuff it is man, misguided people that do what they want or what they think is right. And religion is all about faith in what you can't see, we can't know everything And about that jar thing, you don't create the ants they find a way inside. And about the Lucifer hating God because we are "following the wrong creator" that is wrong because it was God that created everything and not Lucifer, God created Lucifer into the most beautiful angel and then he wanted to have a throne above god, and pretty much rule and then led a rebellion and that is why he was cast out of heaven.

by Sean 11:07:11 PM 2008.10.23
"And Satan succeeded in convincing them to disobey God." it takes alot of power to overpower a god? ughh.. ive also read in bible to learn to forgive others..why couldnt god forgive eve for biting apple? why does he have to make us all pay for what one person did?"It is not God doing all this bad stuff it is man, misguided people that do what they want or what they think is right. " so your also saying that..WE are the ones that cause wild fires and tsunamis? yeaaaaaaaahhh...bout that.

by stewie 04:31:38 AM 2008.10.24
The reason why we are punished to is because we were born into sin. The sins of or fathers and mothers pass on down to us. Satan is known as the Prince of the Power of the Air and Satan is the ruler of this world. God Rules everything else. The bible says that Satan was the head of worship and was perfect till he became prideful and after that him and the third of the angel became unclean spirits. And also because he was head of worship, rock and roll is so awesome. It is the devils music but I am not saying I never listen to it, that is all I really listen to, but I guess I am mostly saying that yes Lucifer is powerful, he is one of the three archangels mentioned in the bible. The Archangel of Worship:Lucifer, The Messenger: Gabriel, And The Warrior: Michael. And I guess if you wanna talk about power, in the book of Jude, there was a dispute over Moses body between Michael and Lucifer and Michael succeeded.

by Sean 06:38:59 PM 2008.10.25
what a bunch of crap.thats why some kids are born with mental nice of him...whatever..

by stewie 09:47:56 PM 2008.10.25
haha ok dude whatever, I am just answering your statements. I am giving you evidence from the bible and you are giving evidence from the Satanic Bible. If you us stuff from the Satanic Bible as facts or arguments, what is so hard about believing in the bible??

by Sean 05:09:38 PM 2008.10.26
i don't believe in god but're a moron!!! stop making arguments, your making us atheists look bad!!

by shaun 09:48:58 PM 2008.10.26
the satanic bible makes more sense than the catholic one. its still dumb thou. god is just a myth we are forced to believe in when we are kids. we grow up believing its real. its like are forced to believe that eating with your mouth closed is the right way to eat.but if you were never taught that, you wouldnt mind at all eating with your mouth open. how do i make you look bad...lal. why cant we see god?

by stewie 02:56:00 AM 2008.10.27
It is all a matter of faith. And its not just simply because we are raised with it. If you ever read Science Digest there was a documentary that there was a woman that had cancer in an advance stage and had to have surgery, but two days before it she had a massive heart attack and they had to delay the surgery. A few days later she told the doctors that she didn't need the surgery and she said that God told her that he healed her First the doctors refused to take any tests but finally did when she kept insisting. After the testing were taking it not only showed that she was better but there was no trace of cancer in her body. The doctors (who were atheists) said "We have no clue what how to explain what happened, but we know there is a natural way this happened." You see even when there is no denying the facts there are still some people that just don't want to put any faith in God, some people are just spiritually blinded.

by Sean 12:16:54 AM 2008.10.28
why should i have faith? what good had he done for me?...haha she just got aunt...she had breast cancer and bone spread all over her body,they told her she would only last about 3 months..she lasted like..haha...5 years! she didnt even believe in god...but she did all this stuff with plants and all...haha it was sweet....anyways theres my cancer story....LOL..anyways..i just wanna hear from you...or anyone on here...who wrote the bible and how? =] just see how stupid your answer sounds. and everything in science comes with proof but nothing from the bible comes with proof? ok...some jesus men wrote the bible because jesus told them do u know its real? so if u read a book about talking fish will u believe there really are taking fish?

by stewie 02:50:54 AM 2008.10.28
Well pretty much the same thing happened with my Grandpa, was supposed to die at like 68 but he lived till 79. He had major like four heart attacks, lung and liver cancer. The reason why I told the other story is cause there was no evidence she ever had it. Well lets put it this way, the bible has never been proven wrong, name one thing in it that has. The bible is a very awesome book even without the faith stuff. It is the most accurate book that is most like the original text out of any ancient texts. Ok even if you don't believe in the miracles in it you can't deny that it is a valuble book of history. I bet you can't point one think out with any real proof.

by Sean 06:29:34 PM 2008.10.29
O and another thing, Science always has proof?? Please the only important answers to why life started is pure theory, "The Big Bang Theory?" That has no evidence at all but it is taught as fact. You can't create order from destruction, an explosion that creates the solar systems that orbit one another, with the sun at the perfect distance from Earth to sustain life. Its like looking at a clock I can't form a clock from clock parts and shake them in a box and hope it makes a clock, there is an intelligence behind its creation, it didn't just happen. And also just look at how complex the human body is, just how everything works together so perfectly. And what about"Macro Evolution"? No evidence, Of course there is a missing link, there is no such thing. Ya Science is important, but it just can't come up with a logical reason why life started, you just can't, no evidence at all.

by Sean 06:37:35 PM 2008.10.29
, the bible has never been proven wrong, name one thing in it that has..........................well,god has never been proven to exist. all stories from the bible or the whole bible has never been proven to be real. the big bang theory happened 3.7 billion years ago. god suposely made the universe in 4,000BC. HA! cant say anything about that :D

by stewie 09:45:55 PM 2008.10.30
13.7 bilion*

by stewie 09:47:06 PM 2008.10.30
HAHAH rofl i just read somestory from bible about a guy getting swallowed by a whale and lives in its stomach and then escapes..hahah...thats there goes another bs story

by stewie 10:12:37 PM 2008.10.30
Ah but is there any recorded history that goes beyond 4000 BC?? No there isn't. O Jonah, ya you can survive in a whales stomach because if you every see whalers catch whales. they slice them open and out come fish flopping around everywhere. If they can survive then you can too.

by Sean 11:47:46 PM 2008.10.30
ahahahahahah to much pinoccio for you. and of course not. PROBABLY BECAUSE THERE WERENT ANY BOOKS BACK THEN.OR..PAPER....Pshhh

by stewie 03:31:35 AM 2008.10.31
Sorry dude didn't see the movie dunno what you are talking about. There were thousands of stone tablets in Elam that is used to confirm facts in the bible. And they are thousands of years old.

by Sean 04:23:49 AM 2008.10.31
Actually in the bible it doesn't talk about a whale, it says "a great fish" everybody just assumes it, nobody really knows exactly what kind of fish.

by Sean 04:31:11 AM 2008.10.31

by REV.SAINT 07:20:25 PM 2009.05.08
"have any of you actually read the 'holy' bible? Christianity supports pointless death and suffering. It says we should kill every homosexual, every person that has committed adultery and everyone that has cursed their mother or father. That would be about half of Australia dead. And anyway isn't one if 10 ten commandments 'don't murder'? Yet he still wants us to kill everyone that has done 'bad' things. Oh and with Adam and Eve, so they had kids right? then what? their kids had kids with each other yeah? that's the only way it can work, and do you all know what that it? ADULTERY!!!" Hahaha I agree bray! Most people just don't think for themselves.

by Luis!! 02:51:24 AM 2009.07.15
what do the polls matter? you have to prove a god for it to be a valid position or else you are just believing in something because you want to. A belief like that is equivalent to a belief in bigfoot or little green men, it is insane to anyone on the out side looking in, might not be in your circle of believers, but just because you have a group that reinforces it doesn't make it true. also, i just read some comments. some of the people debating here show no understanding of science. just because you can't disprove something doesn't make it true, or even validate a belief. the big bang theory DOES have evidence, so does evolution. they are called theories because of something called intellectual honesty. in science, a scientific theory is the highest position something in science can take. there is the germ theory, the theory of gravity, the big bang theory, the theory of evolution , etc. these things have stood up to repeated testing and people trying to disprove it. so stop saying "it's just a theory", it makes you look stupid. don't say science can't make up it's mind on things. don't point to a fraud and say that it proves evolution is wrong. that makes no sense. now i know this doesn't cover everything and some of it may not have been said, but these are some things people will say when arguing. also remember that bible verses don't offer anything unless you can prove the bible, and you can't say "the bible is true because God says it is!" because, unless you hear God's voice (if you do, you need some help because hearing voices is usually a bad sign.) you are getting that from the bible which is circular logic which can be used to prove anything. i'll give an example. "unicorns are real." "how do you know." "because unicorns know the are real." "again, how do you know." "because the bible says the are ." (a little side note, it actually does.) "well how do you know the bible is true?" "because there are unicorns." and so on. i'm not going to come back, so don't worry about responding if you want a response. but i'd like to leave on this note "Actually in the bible it doesn't talk about a whale, it says "a great fish" everybody just assumes it, nobody really knows exactly what kind of fish." Sean. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! that makes a hugh difference to the point.

by person on computer 06:19:03 PM 2010.01.11
Thank u to all u atheists out there. Ppl that believe in "god" should prove y. If there answer is that stupid little book that ppl call the "bible" they need to think how stupid and pathetic it is to believe a little book, all it is, is PAPER! I;m glad to see that there are smart ppl out there, who realize that just because many ppl think that there is "god" doesn't mean u have to agree. And all u ppl that think that their is something special about that book ppl call the "bible" they should really think.

by A Strong Atheist 11:55:57 PM 2010.03.21
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