Film: Harry Potter is much better. The movie is very intriguing and interesting.I find myself at the edge of the seat. The characters are much more complex and charming. The movie itself is exciting and very well made. I have not seen anything like it. The acotrs depict the characters to the point and are very diverse. Twilight, however, lacks charm. I do not care for the characters and they stay very monotone and cold. I couldnt distinguish between them as they all had the same personality both in the book and the movie. The plot is very weak and it often went around in circles. It looked like any other low budget movie - minus vampires. The actors where horrible and lacked any personality or chemistry and I often found myself wondering what they saw in eachother that made them 'click'. The movie, overall, was trying too hard to be serious, and ended up VERY dull. unnessesary emphysis was put into the softball game they played, and it was very predictable. The villains are made to have no other motives other than to Be Evil and the whole thing made me leave the cinema in a daze.
Books: Harry potter has an original plot, while Twilgiht lacks imagination and intrigue. There have been countless movies made about a vampire falling in love with a human. The entire series consited of them deciding to be together, and then breaking up. Very cliche. Infact, the two are almost incomparable as they are on completely different levels. The literary style of Twilight was very primitive and there was no character develoment whatsoever. The mood throughout the book stayed the same: monotone, and not once did I find the characters ,or the plot, interesting.
I believe Twilight is a much more primitive fantasy book, while Harry Potter is enjoyed by older, and more complex readers. Twilight fans mostly enjoy the books for Edward and the romance. This is also evident in the Twilight fans' vocabulary when they bash Harry Potter. Not once do they mention the superior writing or the context, but merely argue the fact that a Hot Vampire Story is much more interesting than a book about a Boy who Rides a Broom and Chases A Golden Ball. Enough said...
by Serena 08:47:52 PM 2009.07.20 |