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Poll: wHaT iS yOuR fAvOrItE hOrRoR mOvIe?
Question: wHaT iS yOuR fAvOrItE hOrRoR mOvIe?
• sCaRy MoViE 1
• sCaRy MoViE 2
• sCaRy MoViE 3
• SaW 1
• SaW 2
• SaW 3
• SlEePy HaLlOw
• SwEeNy ToDd
Created at 06:56:02 PM 2009.09.23 |
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Comments (1)
tHiS qUeStIoN wAs ThE fIrSt OnE tHaT cAmE tO mY mInD, sO i WeNt WiTh It.
by cReAtOr Of ThE qUiZ! 06:59:16 PM 2009.09.23 |
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