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Poll: Τι είδε ο Σώγιερ σε μια απο τις χρονικές εναλλαγές στο νησί?
Question: Τι είδε ο Σώγιερ σε μια απο τις χρονικές εναλλαγές στο νησί?
• Τον Jack να γιατρέυει τον Boone
• Την Κέιτ να ξεγεννάει την Κλερ
• Tον Χέρλι να τρωει

Created at 07:10:33 PM 2009.09.23

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Comments (1)
he may have become aware of the robo-call camaipgn technique after it had started. I became aware of the robo-calls situation, I think, after it had commenced, he told ABC radio. It's no longer going on, it has been pulled. But Labor's state secretary John Dowling said Mr Bartlett knew about the strategy. The premier was aware that the ALP was conducting robo-calls, he said.It would be such a good thing if the Greens could make a really strong showing at the expense of both parties. 6 would be good, but dare we hope for 9?25% undecided? Four ex-premiers touting the virtues of majority government, a lack lustre camaipgn One can dream.

by Andika 05:46:04 PM 2012.10.03
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