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Poll: Dali je ovom blogu potreban redizajn?
Question: Dali je ovom blogu potreban redizajn?
• Da, pod hitno!
• Nedirajte nista,ovo je odlicno.

Created at 10:05:32 PM 2010.05.26

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Comments (1)
John, Another good article. I think what we have is a two-part issue here. We know that the more polpee that we have on earth the more fuel, food, and water problems that we are going to have. The countries with high population growth rates are the core problem. We certainly add to the problem by overeating, by overusing resources, and by using the least efficient approaches. This makes the U.S. the biggest issue where we have perverse Government incentives.

by Divaneide 06:44:19 AM 2012.07.26
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