Nathan, I think this poll helped me reiazle something. There's a huge difference between what I WILL do and what I PREFER to do.I WILL read books in any format, anywhere, at any time. If I see a story on an e-reader, my computer, my phone, finger-painted in wet concrete or projected onto the moon - I'll read it. The great thing about e-books is that they give more people more options like this.However, I PREFER to do my reading with paper books. If I happen to read a brilliant story on my computer at work (while, um, working), I'll still buy the print version - probably at 5:01 p.m. If my favorite author is releasing a new book, I wouldn't waste my time purchasing an e-book because I know that's not my preference. I go right to the hardcover. And that's why I remain in the "cold dead hands" crowd.But, what's really amazing is that the industry has (finally) moved to a place where it can cater to both (or all!) types of readers!
by Faisal 06:13:06 PM 2012.05.13 |