I argue against public roads, yet I benefit from them.
by Matthew Swaringen 02:45:03 AM 2011.11.22 |
My city picks up my trash and I went to public schools and I drive on public roads. Private sector could do all of these better.
by daniel 05:49:14 PM 2011.11.29 |
Nobody benefits from any government program except the separation of powers. Other than that there are prohibitive hidden costs that severely undermine overall societal living standards and future prospects.
by Joe 01:34:04 AM 2011.12.07 |
I mean no.
by warren skaggs 11:59:43 PM 2011.12.19 |
Anyone who says know is either not living enough, or not opposing enough programs!
by guest 06:20:51 PM 2012.01.16 |
I work in public education and advocate ending public education.
by Jeffrey Lebowski 11:07:45 PM 2012.01.16 |