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Poll: Do you like Vannessa Anne Hudgens?
Question: Do you like Vannessa Anne Hudgens?
• supper dupper YESS
• supper yess!!
• totally yess!!!
• no
• acctually maybe?
• i dont know i like all of the hollywood stars!!
Created at 09:27:22 AM 2008.11.22 |
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Comments (3)
by arshiya 07:49:54 AM 2012.06.17 |
"Kali, how sad."Don't be sad for me - I can discern truth from lies and form a coehernt sentence."It's not sore loser."All evidence points to the contrary."One gov't worker in Raleigh NC with health insurance (paid for with tax dollars) managed to get 6 abortions paid for."And why would this person have discussed any of this with you or anyone like you? (That was what is known as a rhetorical question - look it up)."I voted for Obama the first time."Baloney with cheese on white bread.--------------Nice of you to prove my point though, by spouting thoroughly debunked talking points that no one but Fox zombies believe. Sane Americans voted against you yesterday, so I suggest you either get used to it or seek the aforementioned rehab you so desperately need. Or you can keep arguing with me and end up looking even sillier than you already do. (Just kidding, John. I'm done. I know it only encourages them to dig their ignorant little heels in deeper.)
by Kenta 12:44:47 PM 2013.10.26 |
The next question is, how is the rate per unit determined? Statistics, of course! The insurance QuotesChimp (or an independent rate bureau to which the company subscribes) will establish rates based on what its statistics tell it to expect the cost of the anticipated claims and losses to be. From that figure, the pre�miums will be set so as to be sufficient (and profitable), equitable (and profitable), nongouging (and profitable), competitive (and profitable), and safety conscious (and above all, profitable).
by Bubi 06:16:14 AM 2014.03.07 |
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