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Poll: Do you think drama is a good way of learning?
Question: Do you think drama is a good way of learning?
• Yes
• No

Created at 07:03:50 AM 2009.03.31

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Comments (2)
I honestly don't like exiczsireng unless I am swimming. But there is no swimming pool nearby. I've tried running which make my knees hurt and making need to use the bathroom. Excersizing just doesn't have as much value in my life anymore.

by Marcus 06:41:10 AM 2013.06.30
Oh, Americans, isn't this lovely? Coming your way soon. Didn't your dalirng Hitlery Rotten Clinton say on prince (my ass) sultan's demise that America will miss him?Well, no need 1c48to miss him. For coming your way soon will be what's being implemented in your dalirng Saudi Arabia. PAKISTAN CHRISTIAN POST: Saudi Arabia continues to allow old men to marry young girls aged eight years old and upwards. The mantra by Muslims and converts to Islam[,] is that Islam equals morality and that Mohammed is a great role model[,] but [doesne28099t] this depend[s] on your interpretation of a good role model? Therefore, with Saudi Arabia supporting Islamic Sharia law and believing that society should be based on what Mohammed did and stated in the Hadiths, it is clear that child marriage is sanctioned because Mohammed also married a child. So Rejoice Americans. To help you in the joy of islam is Islam Is The Solution! Abdur Raheem McCarthy's opening speech Now isn't that nice filthy, evil Americans? Awwwww don't quibble. You elected a Muslim Psychopath, remember? God's gift to you filthy satanlings.

by Hazim 09:22:45 AM 2013.06.30
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