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Poll: Favorite style of bully
Question: Favorite style of bully
• Pocket pit
• Xl Bully
• American Bully

Created at 01:03:30 PM 2008.12.08

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Comments (1)
You are ON topic for this blog, though not this pailrcutar post. Start with the post Print it out if possible, OR Copy and Paste the checklist to a document then print it. This Blog is about setting up Blogs with Income Earning Potential. Costs about $ per year for a Domain Name AND $ per month Website Hosting with Video Hosting and email AutoResponder.Free Blog Hosting sites are widely available BUT they are mostly for building a Community AND severely restrict YOUR commercial potential.To setup your own website which has the maximum legal potential for commercial income (maximum freedom) browse through my relevant posts while following the Checklist. Then assess the extras conveniences.SD7

by Luisa 10:41:56 AM 2013.06.29
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