I think that wall has used gut feelings and not listened to the users of wall network sites. Not opened their ears at the site owners statements of what they truly think about unwarrented down grading amongst other things.
The users are very important and site owners want to keep them attracted to their site.
by Bob Johnson-Perkins 06:19:50 PM 2011.07.26
I can't even use italics now... Terrible...
by Luis C Rodriguez 03:34:30 PM 2011.08.02
Jimbo, Dude! I like them all, but actually the best beer is not even lsietd! Yikes! Where's my Yebisu beer? Sure it costs more than the other beers, but when you want a REALLY good beer, it's Yebisu.... Other than that, I'll take the Sapporo Black label.
by Amdrey 05:41:02 PM 2012.03.26
Fczzlj Really informative article.Really thank you! Much obliged.