Nah, qs the entire goerenmvnt is sponsored by corporations and special interest groups it's the best goerenmvnt money can buy! i wonder who they're going to put in office next? More militancy and far right draconian measures or do they think there's a little more conniving they can get out of Obama, disguised as hope and change ? In this mid-term election, are they backing good looking actors to play the part of politicians (and get their agendas done) or will they stick with the already bought incumbents? It'll be a case of money going to both to protect their interests (basically buying everyone off, just in case . . . ). In any case, we get stuck with business as usual (where the shifting of wealth to the top 1% continues unabated) while our quality of life and the environment continue to degrade.
by Marjana 07:36:10 AM 2012.08.31 |