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Poll: How is your sex life?
Question: How is your sex life?
• Couldn't be better
• Great
• Ok
• Needs improvement
• Sucks can you help me?
Created at 04:52:21 PM 2009.03.31 |
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Comments (3)
I think the cards should have the same coolur and design, so that people can mix and match from the different decks to create a deck of their 70 favourite cards.I do think the next deck should have a few more blank cards too, the card creation part is really fun!
by Konstantin 06:33:24 AM 2013.06.28 |
Sorry Barry, the poll software we use silmpy doesn't allow us to post such a lengthy question. Can you please condense it into one or sentences for us (180 characters max). Of course, if it wins we'll make sure that the climate scientist has the longhand version of your question for the basis of their response.
by Ronaldo 07:36:49 AM 2013.06.30 |
that I was against ohrtes using condems. I merely don't like people mistating the Catholic Church's positions. I totally respect your disagreeing with their plan, or believing it is ineffective, etc. Also, you show how easy it is to disagree with a positon without the need to fabricate the truth. Beyond that, you show that this topic has many complicated aspects, such as stopping disease with a condom is intertwined with birth control in a way that the pill is not, etc.To be on topic, I don't see overpopulation having any effect on Seattle's housing. Rate this comment: 0 0
by Lacey 11:26:09 AM 2013.06.30 |
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