It's unfortunate it costs ttiiardonal publishers more to put out a book than indie authors, because having a big name backer doesn't guarantee the reader is going to derived more satisfaction out of the work. It's true self-published books have a greater chance to be error ridden, because there's no quality control in place. However, many indie authors take extra steps to put out quality work which is on par to ttiiardonal works. As far as the story, having a work vetted by an agent and publishing house also doesn't guarantee a great read. Why? Because preferences are subjective.With those reason in mind, I'm not paying for the name of the publishing house (indie or ttiiardonal), I'm paying for my reading experience. $4.99 for an author I've enjoyed in the past is no problem. Beyond that, I'm looking for the paperback version, and even the hardcover if I can find it at a discount.The bottom line is I simply value print more than I do digital at this point in time. I'm not willing to pay anywhere near the cost of a print book for a digital copy.
by Eliseu 01:52:49 AM 2013.10.24 |