Ask yourself one qustieon: would you be comfortable with your husband having an affair, much like you want to? If yes, then ask yourself the second qustieon: supposing this gentleman's marriage broke up because of the affair. Would you be comfortable, knowing his children hate you, and in their eyes, you are the homewrecker ? When we drift into affairs, that means that something at home is broken; you may want to seriously ask yourself what's wrong at home, and proceed to fix it. Marriage counseling is an option; if the marriage is too far gone to fix, then get a divorce. You have to consider the fact that he has a wife and kids (and she will SERIOUSLY stick him with alimony and child support if she finds out), and most importantly, you are BETTER than a cheap affair. Also, affairs at work are a serious no-no; if things sour (and they often do), you may wind up looking for a new job, or they may fire him for fraternizing. Just think it through. Good luck and God bless.
by Edu 09:45:10 AM 2013.06.28 |