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Poll: Mennyire tetszett a videó?
Question: Mennyire tetszett a videó?
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Created at 06:53:27 PM 2009.04.21

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Comments (1)
That is a bargain. I have been cperoaahpd and turned down $5000 per day plus expenses.I would think that over the phone consultation with someone who knows what he is doing is worth $500 an hour. In person $650 or so.My take on this is that I would never hire someone who was doing it for the money, because they would not be the expert I wanted, but as an expert I would never do it for money because I can make much more for longer if I dont dilute my tricks.Kind of the I would not want to be a member of a club that would admit me school of thinking.

by Lolla 10:09:31 PM 2012.03.26
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