Simon,You miss the point, it's not a case of seeing how it can work it is more a case of hainvg to find a solution to a problem.If you look at it as an equation where the generational adjustments to the population and its demands on the environment can not exceed the ability of the environment to sustain the requirements of the population, then an adjustment has to be made if it looks as though the two quantities are going to become out of equilibrium.I tried to put forward a solution that didn't require the killing of people either on an age basis or a space acquisition by force.It appeared to me that there was only 3 options1) Do nothing and just wait till it is too late to do anything and we would all then just disappear from the face of the earth. However, the final outcome would probably be proceeded by a period of chaos.2) Let the powers that be sort out the problem in the best way they know how. Based on past history, this would mean the various powers that have would try to expand to obtain access to the resources they need to maintain their standard of living. Not dissimilar to the expansion attempted by Japan back in the 1930 s where they invaded China and subsequently other countries because they were, and still are, a resource short country.That is except for human resources!3) Regulate the growth of the population to ensure that it doesn't exceed the ability of the environment to support it. This way was my preferred way of facing up to the problem.There are ways of controlling the population by birth control and one way was, as I suggested, to make it possible for families to have one parent as a home parent. This doesn't mean handing out money, I've never thought this was a solution to any problem. However, it is possible to make it easier for families to thrive by making available the services at a plausible rate.If we had accessible accommodation such as council homes as they did in years gone by that would relieve the housing problem. Then we should have a state education system available to all on an ability basis, again as we had back in the 40 s up to the 60 s. We should also have a health system which recognizes the needs of families.I agree with you that we should try to obtain parents that have the necessary parenting skills but how would you do this, would you give each prospective parent a test to determine their suitability? I think that it is better to let those people that feel that they really love children have them then try to make their endeavours as easy as possible.We must find a way of solving this problem without damaging the rearing of the next generation, it is our future.
by Raquel 11:26:34 AM 2012.11.01 |