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Poll: Qual é o melhor canal de tv 2008 ?
Question: Qual é o melhor canal de tv 2008 ?
• Disney Channel
• Fox
• Tvi
• C.S.I. Nova Iorque

Created at 08:41:30 AM 2009.02.20

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Comments (2)
Last one to uitizle this is a rotten egg!

by Nyanna 01:29:29 AM 2011.08.20
These kids with their new toys.. When I was young you'd be happy if you had a WIFI router! Naw, I'm happy with my old fhiesonad desktop computer. Bought way back in 2007 it was.. Can you imagine that? And it still works nearly as good as the day i first brought it home!

by Olokodano 04:49:41 AM 2012.10.03
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