My 11 month old son, Clark, makes a huge mess at mealtime too. I've found the best way to hdnlae it (besides letting our golden retriever coat the kitchen floor in a thin film of dog saliva) is to give him chunkier foods. He gets practice chewing (which he loves) and when the food invariably falls to the floor, it's easier to pick up (or lick up as the case may be for the dog). I save the more liquid foods like applesauce, baby cereal, etc. for the spoon. Although my son, like Trixie, refuses being spoonfed exclusively, he's much more agreeable about it when he's got two fistfuls of finger foods.Just a thought. Also for finger food suggestions, I like to bake sweet potatoes and chunk them he loves it! Also, cantaloupe, peeled and cut grapes (so that they're not a choking hazard), and steamed vegetables of almost any variety are big hits around here. Clark also loves baked chicken torn into small bits and browned hamburger meat as finger foods.I love the site!
by Vasa 10:05:27 AM 2012.08.31 |