Myself, I think the advantages of a mirinoty Labor government are rather big. The big one is that the Arbib crowd are dealt out of deciding the leadership and policy.That is a huge one, Sam. And the priorities that will have to be given to regional Australia will surely lead to an abandonment, or at least a lower priority, of the Porking the Marginals strategy which has dominated everything for the last 15 years. And that in turn would weaken the dependence on focus groups for decision-making.And that itself is a good thing if it comes off. A consequence of watching Jenny Brocky's programs featuring undecided' voters from marginal electorates was alarm at the banality and short-sightedness of many views. It was a reminder to me of those Chaser skits a few years back encouraging someone to air their views to the cameras and finishing with a statement, This Person Votes! This is not to deny the legitimacy of such views, it is just that we should not be depending on them to prepare leadership views.I'm another one getting a bit edgy about the delay (mainly because I see it a lot more simply than the Independents do). But as others here have suggested, it's not unreasonable for them to deliberate on it before announcements.
by Raden 02:55:57 AM 2012.10.05 |