I don't look to see what my pastor or anyne else is doing since I'm linookg to get into the presence of the lord however since they are up front whether pulpit of first pew they are noticeable, I believe that most members know their pastors worship mode. I have noticed in my own church that the two usually don't match especially when they are a singing pastor. I have asked myself that question, why don't I ever see that same level of worhip or if any at all when someone or some event is going on,that actually was one of the reasons why I left a church many years ago because the pastor and co pastors would be laughing, joking and talking during that particular time, what better way to experience God when we all are worshipping Him in spirit and truth so that the glory of God would manifest itself greatly. They are our leaders and I would expect that almost always Gid Bless!!
by Bebes 07:40:12 PM 2013.03.13 |