AGW is an unproven thoery just as evolution is still an unproven thoery (example, still no Missing Link found to prove conclusively that man evolved from apes). That being said someday in the future there might be conclusive evidence to prove both theories but probably not in our lifetimes. Ockham's Razor states the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. There are two main theories about the current global warming issue.1. This is part of a natural and well documented weather cycle that has been going on for millions of years.2. Man has somehow in the last 100 years become the primary cause of global warming. This comes from the same people who can't even tell you what the weather will be like next month let alone in 10 yearsAsk yourself which is the simplest and therefore more reasonable explanation.Glad you found it funny Tuba, what I find funny is that you can't prove my statement is incorrect. It's hillarious that you accept AGW or Evolution as fact when even the Scientific community still refers to both as THEORY.
by Jonalyn 02:41:44 PM 2013.03.16 |