I voted Persian because I had deicedd Iranian before seeing the poll choices. The main reason being that he has a slight Indian vibe while at the same time looking pretty much Mediterranean (a Greek vibe too), but not really archetypally "Semitic" (neither in the Arab nor the Jewish direction), though the nose is slightly Arab-like. Of course, I have doubts, specially with Armenians and Kurds. I'm not really familiar with Armenians but I imagine them like Georgian or Azeris and this compo-guy does not fit that Caucasian pattern nor really the Turkish one either (broader rounder faces over there and less tanned skins). The Kurds I have seen are often also more Euro-like, with lighter skin and broader Alpinid like faces. He could be some specific type of Arab I guess (Arab is such a broad category!), maybe some variety of Iraqi, but again they (Iraqis) tend to have broader faces overall. Also Arabs, Jews and possibly Armenians tend to have a prominent lower lip that is not apparent at all in the picture (and a composite should show that). Also the poll choices would suggest a Taurus-Zagros range. I did not look at them but after making up my mind that he'd be Iranian, so this is only a support for my first choice, not a condition. Do I get something if I have it right? :P
by Arman 11:30:54 AM 2013.01.29 |