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Poll: What kind of music do you like?
Question: What kind of music do you like?
• Pop
• Rock
• Alternative
• R & B
• Dance

Created at 05:34:30 AM 2008.05.19

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Comments (6)
all kind of music!!

by stupid nerd 10:48:21 AM 2009.04.12
rock all the way

by beast887 03:31:09 PM 2009.05.02
lots of music

by ??????????????? 10:18:53 PM 2009.08.14
ok what kind of music do you like the most?

by theunkownviper 09:49:53 PM 2009.10.24
thats what its asking

by theyunkownviper 09:50:38 PM 2009.10.24
Only the best.... Rock and metal! Mainly just Deftones. The greatest band in the whole universe!

by Deftones fan 09:59:57 AM 2010.04.25
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