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Poll: What makes you feel loved the most?
Question: What makes you feel loved the most?
• Long passionate kisses
• Long hugs, squeezing eachother tight
• Cuddling for hours
• Sexy gifts
• Lots of sex
• Talking dirty
• Acts of kindness (doing things for you, like cleaning, running errands)
• Uninitiated PDA (for those who don't know PDA is Public Displays of Affection)
• Jealousy (not controlling)
• The words I love you
Created at 04:48:10 AM 2009.01.28 |
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Comments (6)
yVmBLz The topic is pretty complicated for a beginner!...
by buy oem software 03:31:13 AM 2012.02.12 |
Youth rock band "Ranetki" says thank you for such a wonderful blog..!!
by esalerugs 02:21:32 PM 2012.02.13 |
Unbelievable. Class..!!
by cheapoair 02:43:13 PM 2012.02.13 |
Read, of course, far from my topic. But still, we can work together. How do you feel about trust management?!....
by how to get facebook 03:05:28 PM 2012.02.13 |
Hi! Everyone who reads this blog - Happy Reconciliation and Accord..!!
by viagra 03:27:45 PM 2012.02.13 |
Not bad post, leave it at my bookmarks!....
by Cherry Hill NJ perso 03:50:20 PM 2012.02.13 |
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