Your posts have been very well written. I have not seen any blame, bahsing or anything else, just the basics, it seems. My kids' dad and I have remained friendly after the divorce and we have provided help to each other through the years. He had a relationship after me that resulted in a child. So now there is a brother that my kids wouldn't otherwise have had, a child who has brought joy to everyone involved.All of my blah-blahing about myself is meant to tell you that no matter how it works out, it can still be good. Even though there have been plenty of hardships, my kids are well adjusted and I think that the lessons that they have learned by watching their parents be separate and strong are far better than what would have been learned if my marriage would have stayed intact, with the manipulation and constant passive-aggressiveness that was our marriage. For you, I do hope that he has a change of heart. If his commitment matches yours, you will move through this and come out better in the end. If he doesn't have a change of heart, well, you will still come out better in the end. Seems like you are plenty strong enough to do this.
by Chris 06:38:01 AM 2012.08.31 |