I agree with the poop fear. It never fails, almost every run I feel like I am going to unoald my bowels and load up my liner!! Thank God someone put a Sheetz smack dab in the middle of my intermediate run, and Walmart at the halfway of my ten mile; there are days I would never make it without these two blessings!Also, being hit by a car. Mainly because I know that someday it will happen. A woman nudged me with her bumper the other day while exiting a parking lot without looking both ways, and a Jeep almost took both my running buddy and I out of commission last week. The worst part is, I'm still waiting for my Road I.D. to come, so they won't even be able to identify my mangled body lying in the weeds. Thank science for dental records!Oh, and also, pumas. It's a legit fear. The large, man eating feline monster, not the shoes. Okay the shoes too
by Hisam 09:59:43 AM 2012.07.26 |