Agreed, I had the same issue of getting strated as well. It's like they say, a ball in motion stays in motion, but hard to get it strated! After many years of success and then failure and frustration, I figured out what the challenge was. It was that most of the food I was eating was not only addictive, but was clogging my system up so the exercise and activity was hard getting strated was hard and even after I got strated, it was hard to keep going. I always had to use self dis2000cipline to fight through it which after many years of trying just doesn't work in the long term. It's not supposed to be that hard to stay healthy and at a normal or optimal weight! So quite by accident I strated eating more fresh fruits and veggies, smoothies and no processed foods at all. Every week it became easier and easier and I strated feeling light on my feet, energetic and found it easy to get up and get outside to run, exercise or just move around. The addictive properties of the processed foods went away in fact all my cravings went away as well as my 50 pounds of extra fat! At this point it wasn't hard at all to do anything since after cleaning my body out, detoxing, I apparently got rid of the junk and now feel energetic all the time, find it easy to move about and exercise at any time, need less sleep and just feel great. It's not a struggle, it's now natural. I think that's where most of us get tripped up. And most importantly, I'm grateful to be in excellent health and 50 pounds lighter for 4 years now.. and haven't strayed from that weight more than one pound either. I really think the secret is to eliminate processed (and most cooked) foods in my experience. Some refer to it as a raw food diet but I like to call it a raw food lifestyle. Check it out.All the best and good luck everyone!
by Ana 07:01:59 PM 2013.06.28 |