I think that the decline in moral and eichtal behavior in this country started to take place at about the same time we saw a decline in the number of Americans who identified themselves as religious, California70. Whether one caused the other or they both grew out of some other deficiency, I really wouldn't try to say. But we do feel the lack of clear, shared standards of behavior in our society.I think the process of getting back to some common standards is going to take a lot of communication and tolerance among individuals and groups with very different perspectives. I believe we need to appeal to an enlightened self-interest to guide the majority of us to sublimate some of our sense of individualism in favor of common standards of behavior and common objectives. I also don't expect it to be a quick or easy process. But I see us going in the wrong direction now and believe we need to come together soon on a common sense of where we should be going and a framework for getting there. The longer it takes, the harder it will become to get our society moving together in a positive direction.
by Rajith 02:42:57 PM 2012.08.30 |