Your writing about Egypt ronasetes with me. I do want to point out, though, something I'm sure you already know that Mubarak's Egypt' was never the only Egypt. It was a dark and terrible rot that lived mostly at the edges of everyday life. Most days, most times, most places the Egypt that manifested herself was the proud and beautiful Egypt that showed the courage, grace, wisdom and humility of people who had been here, on the banks of this river, watching this sun set and learning how to live with each other in joy (or at least compassion) literally since the dawn of written history.But yes, the nasty dark hate- and fear-driven troll that stalked the streets in the form of violence, uncertainty, random humiliation, and crushing despair was never far off. And this is a lesson to all of us: what happened in Egypt over the course of 30 years, as well as what happened over the course of 3 weeks, is a human lesson as well as an Egyptian experience.
by Juan 08:21:19 PM 2012.11.01 |