RE: The commodities makret is different from inflation. It's a bubble. We had it before, in 2008, we will have it again. That's another discussion.The problem is that if you just randomly forgive debt without regard to the loan amount it will change the financial makrets of Mortgage Backed Securities. There are rules in the financial makret that once you change, at will, the makret may cease to function. In my opinion that is exactly what happened.By all means, people who walk away or short sale a property will need to, of should, file for bankruptcy. I'm surprised the courts aren't packed to the gills. We are going to have to find some equilibrium. Debts will have to be paid by some one. In my opinion the borrower should be given the option to pay with reduced terms until the debt is retired. Rate this comment: 0 0
by Hugo 05:17:34 AM 2012.12.10 |