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Poll: eiya sowg yg cmne?
Question: eiya sowg yg cmne?
• go lucky
• pemarah
• kdg2 baik
• zalim
• nakal
• friendly
• busuk
• baik hati
• suka tolong
• bijak
Created at 11:00:40 AM 2010.03.20 |
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Comments (3)
go lucky tu seorang yg cuai,x berhati2
by sape la nih? 08:35:44 AM 2010.03.26 |
hehehe.. amboi,, siap tepek lagi ayat itu ye,,, hahaha.. tapi mlmaepau la depa ambik sehari sampai RM50... kalau rm10 pun dah byk untung depa dapat... mencekik darah betol! maybe depa nak suruh staf depa mengulat main internet lebey kottttt... (positive think...ngeh3x...)
by Brahian 08:06:29 AM 2013.06.30 |
On the ground in New Orleans? No, but pehpars on the water.Bush didn't react quickly enough, but nobody else in government did either, so no political leader looks good in this emergency.Jeffery Hodges* * *
by Donbryan 12:31:07 PM 2013.06.30 |
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