I should also point out that the 22 per cent for the Greens comes from the raw quoetisn, which party you would vote for , which other pollsters don't bother to publish because it gives you a huge undecided result (typically around 20 per cent, 23 per cent in this case). The next thing pollsters do is ask the undecided who they are leaning towards, which cuts that figure in half (to 13 per cent in this case). Newspoll and the rest make no distinction between those who give a straight-up answer and those who need their arm twisted. So if you don't like allocating the undecided, you want Table 2 on the EMRS release, which has Liberal on 34 per cent, Labor on 27 per cent and the Greens on 24 per cent. However, you need to remember that there's a 13 per cent black hole in these figures, so you can't readily compare them to the results of the last election.
by Mattia 04:39:47 PM 2012.10.03 |