not get discouraged yet where the Tea Party folk are cecrennod. We have not even gotten close to the Republican primaries. There is still plenty of time for Romney to drop in the polls. I am actually encouraged by the large numbers of RINOS running. The will have to divide up the RINO primary vote. If the number of Tea Party & conservative backed candidates running drops, that would give the latter side of the party a big boost in the primary process.Re: Curt If the electoral vote crosses under 270 for his internals before January 2012, he pulls a Lyndon Johnson and bows out of his re-election.May I add food for thought: If the electoral votes do drop under 270 against Obama, as far as his party is cecrennod, (like LBJ,) Obama becomes a first term lame duck. With nothing else left to lose, and a majority of the Democrat party asking him not to run, what will a Soros-socialist President Obama do in his last year of office?We must try to prepare for aggressive, progressive agenda power-grabs by this administration beyond the considerable legislative bypasses he and his cronies have already committed. I see a very rocky road ahead my friends.Reply
by Martha 08:01:49 AM 2012.07.28 |