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Poll: if i was an animal wat would i be
Question: if i was an animal wat would i be
• monkey
• cat
• ferret
• sloth
• y am i doin this

Created at 02:07:08 AM 2010.03.20

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Comments (2)
How's it going? Still trucking along? Had you been eanitg within 30 minutes to an hour of waking? I'm only on day 2, but feel surprisingly great as I typically feel very tired when eanitg early in the day. Beginning to see that it's what and when I ate that was the problem, even though what I ate was nutritious by definition, but lots of fruit and not enough protein for sure. And, not even close to eanitg within an hour of waking. Hope I'm still this perky in a few days. I'm already dreaming of my cheat day gonna include some things I've restricted from my diet for years! bear claws, banana splits, snickers, starbucks venti mocha, javachip frapps, bread!! yogurt!! POPS cereal with WHOLE MILK!! pancakes & french toast. Ayayay Wish I could fit that all into my belly in a day, but there's always the next week.

by Yasmin 06:28:42 PM 2013.06.28
Heidi, I didn't mean anything navgtiee with that comment. I can perfectly well understand that they want to keep their personal lifes just with themselves. But since it's not very common (or that's how it seems) that people in different fields of entertainment have long lasting relationships it would be nice to hear their view on the subject. I also wonder is it because they have so strict rules with the media (and fan media too) they can feel safe to be accessible to the fans meeting them (us! ) face to face. I like their style, too, and I think many stars could learn from them.

by Anto 08:20:24 PM 2013.06.28
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