With the U.S. economy at an all time low and the U.S. ivovlned in three wars, it is going to be very difficult for the economy to grow rapidly. It is going to take time and I did not believe that any of the Republican Candidates had a viable plan to grow the economy.
by Devia 07:57:30 AM 2013.06.30
RE: It's impossible to show that one opinoin is more valid than another. Something found in the bible adds nothing to the church's position. It's just a book. You've made your case that the Catholic Church has a position on population control, and I've expressed my opinoin that they are obviously disingenuous. If that disparages them, so be it, they deserve it. I won't be looking further inward I've made up my mind so I say we leave it at that. Rate this comment: 0 0