Ok,Miss Ruthanne I hope you read this comment buescae I just have to tell you what a treat your post was this evening, and how timely it was for me. I was working at decorating the house this weekend for Christmas, and did a lot today, and i've been trying things I've never tried before and really trying to go the extra mile to make my home warm and inviting.If you've ever checked out my blog, you'll find that I am really working at being a better homemaker and this past week was my first week of cutting my work hours back from five days to three so i can be home more to focus on my marriage and my God-given priviledge of being a homemaker. It doesn't come naturally to me ,though, especially stuff like decoratingn(for instance, we have lived in this apartment since April and today was the first day I ever hung anything on the wall! Gasp!). But I really am trying! And I mean it when I say your blog has been a real source of inspiration. I thought of you a few times this weekend as i was trying to come up with decorating ideas. Anyway, it's sort of all an emotional thing for me, an exciting time of discovering the feminine gifts of domesticity I've never had time or know-how to cultivate. THanks for being some Godly inspiration and encouragement that I can tap into when I need a little nudge to keep at it. When I post all my Christmas decorations I'll come by and tell you, and I hope you'll get a chance to check them out.Thanks again and I look forward to part 2! Be blessed, sister!
by Adrian 07:36:23 PM 2013.10.24 |