The American people have becmoe like Piranhas, feeding away non stop until their is nothing left.How can the american people ignore the energy that Obama created for America after wiining the elections, how can the American people(Rep.) ignore that reality? they felt it too! im sure, instead they translated it to fear, the only tactic they know Any how, I never felt or saw anything like it on that day of our Presidential victory!! not to mention how it was felt Worldwide!After 8 years of Bush creating that perfect gap between the elite and the middle class , poor people,creating a frightend, sick. less confident and uneducated America, he met his objective, Yet I can also understand how dificult it is for Republican Conservatives to step aside now, imagine having to give up 8 years of what the Bush admisntration has provided, it must be tough??? Its like teaching an old dog new tricks, obviously that old dog is not interested when he can simply be fed and lay all day long on that Big Ass Porch! Now President Obama has to keep the boat afloat for Republicans and Democrats and anyone in between to balance this nation that allows you to be all we can be!In 8 years I didnt see Bush perform any miracles! so why should Obama in just 1??? Let them man work and help thy neighbor!!!!
by Juggaloz 08:02:53 AM 2012.05.14 |