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Poll: what is your favorite holiday food?
Question: what is your favorite holiday food?
• egg nog
• pie
• cranberry
• ham

Created at 10:32:55 PM 2008.12.07

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Comments (2)
We notice that the Ayes' now have it in the poll. My quetison, Mr. Blogger, is, since you so obviously wanted the Ayes to win, what's the going rate for shill votes these days? Ten bucks a pop? Fifteen? Whatever it was, I hope you saved a little to help pay for the attorneys' fees when it turns out one of the models in your pictures isn't registered and therefore could be underage.Okay, so it understands standard HTML but not PHP. That is, the angle bracket code that you'd see come out of a web editor, not the square bracket stuff like we use on Maggie's.Let's try a few more things. Listing?It's possible this blogger has publicly admitted:He lives in the South, and not just the South, mind you, but the South South!Flies the Confederate Flag with prideDrinks mint juleps to remind him of the good ol' days before The War ofNorthern AggressionIs a hard-as-nails red-ass redneck who could chew you up and spit youout before breakfastPossible, mind you.Tables?Doc's IdeologicalColor ChartRedYellowGreenBlueRight Wing:Jungle feverHorsesBubble bathsCorner of 4th & BroadwayLeft Wing:PlutoBad teethDementiaAngles in Heaven Pictures??You did say you were saving up for those attorney's fees,right?I doubt it was displayed, though. Pictures use the IMG' command, which it probably ignores. There's too much potential for mischief to allow commenters to post pics.The problem you, as the blogger, have is not being able to slip a handy Info' link somewhere in the comments area so the gang can learn the tricks. Even if you knew how, you don't have access to the actual page templates, just the themes' and such. You can use the Text widget and stick it on the sidebar. Text widgets accept HTML, like a link.Okay, blast off.

by Elisabet 12:12:13 AM 2013.06.28
You can't complain about peploe using their countrymen and approve of peploe using their countrymen and expect things to change.This country was founded by self reliant peploe. There was a time when, if you needed help, you asked for it And you gratefully accepted what was offered. And if something was expected in return, you did as asked.Now peploe are entitled to assistance. No need to ask politely or express appreciation. No need to concern yourself with the person providing the help or learn from them how to also be productive and generous.Help was not a right and not a safety net that you lie in while you watch television. It made demands on the individual. You had to stop drinking and start swwping a floor to get it.And when situations changed and help could no longer be provided, you certainly didn't take to the streets and throw rocks at the person who helped you.No, that sort of thing is for the collectivists, the ones who treat peploe, not as individuals, but as nameless faces in a crowd of taxpayers. A resource to be exploited.

by Melissa 04:45:36 AM 2013.06.28
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