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Poll: whats your longest relationship been?
Question: whats your longest relationship been?
• few months
• 1 year
• 2 years
• 3 years
• 4 years
• 5 years
• 6 years or more

Created at 03:52:53 AM 2008.06.28

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Comments (1)
Big thanks to Lord. Azeez, I just wanted to thank him for all his help and efforts with my situation with Chris. He broke up with me a few weeks ago and I found Lord. Azeez email on a blog and asked for his help. I had him cast a Return My Ex-Boyfriend Magick Love Spell on our behalf and I have to tell you that I am very pleased with the final outcome! I'm happy to say, we are back together again after a few short weeks apart! I was so miserable without him in my life. Lord. Azeez have made me so happy! I am ordering a Binding Love Spell right now to make sure we don't split up again! Thank you for all your hard work and attention to my serious problem! If you have the same problem contact him now on lordazeez1990@hotmail. com

by Sam ki 08:39:20 AM 2015.08.05
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