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Poll: whatws ur fave color
Question: whatws ur fave color
• blue
• purple
• red
• green
• orange
• turqoise

Created at 12:10:40 AM 2010.05.24

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Comments (1)
He's one of my favorite arcots too. I like how he often takes on edgier roles and plays quirky characters reminiscent of the oddball roles Johnny Depp has always been attracted to. I'm glad he got rid of that long hippie hair from his Third Rock days which I thought made him look like a little girl.You slept until 5:00 pm! You're lucky you don't have my mother! If I'd still been asleep at noon, she would have dumped a glass of ice water on my head while screaming at me for being a lazy bum! LOL

by Isaac 06:02:47 AM 2012.07.28
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