It seems Jacquie Petrusma is an issue in Franklin. She is now a Liberal but was previously a Family First cdnidaate, and as such almost won a Senate spot when the ALP stupidly preferenced her rather than Christine Milne. Luckily for the Senate the ALP shenanigans didn't work in Tasmania, unlike in Victoria where we got Steve Fielding rather than a very good Greens cdnidaate, David Risstrom.Jacquie tells anyone who'll listen that she switched from Family First to the Libs because God told her to. Jacquie has also had support in the Mercury from a Cait Catt of Geeveston, who has a namesake who defends Andrew Landeryou as a sock puppett on the Slanderyou2 blog.The Geeveston Cait Cait was hilarious in the Mercury on line on Sunday. Her comment in response to a media beat up that all but 16 babies born in Tasmania last year had convict ancestry (probably a typo, more likely 16 percent) was that the research is not only rubbish. Cait claimed there is no one of convict ancestry in Geeveston, and that there may be some on the mainland or in Hobart but certainly not in Franklin electorate's depopulated south.Cait is always good for a laugh. Not so the lady she supports, Ms Petrusma.
by Lisa 04:14:02 PM 2012.10.03 |