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Poll: which tv show is better?
Question: which tv show is better?
• the simpsons
• futurama
• family guy
• american dad
• king of the hill
• beevis and butthead
• south park
• terrence and phillip
• that 70's show
• chowder

Created at 12:58:51 PM 2008.07.17

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Comments (1)
The scarves i made on a small parbotle loom called a rigid heddle. On a rigid heddle, you are *pretty much* constrained to plain weave.. (one up, one down). More skilled weavers can hand manipulate to do more.. but you can do alot with your colour choices and beading the edge and things of that nature. My big floor loom can pretty much do anything. If you want the fabric to sew with then ya, what you said Basically weave the fabric then treat it like fabric you bought at a store. :)And ya, i narrowed my version of the calorimetry quite a bit :-O. Knitting is definitely slower than crocheting but both have their place in my heart. :)

by Elif 09:07:13 PM 2012.10.03
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