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Poll: who's hotter ??
Question: who's hotter ??
• alec
• trever
• quinn
• alex n.
• lukas

Created at 01:33:22 AM 2008.07.25

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Comments (1)
Feb26Frank Weihs God morning as I parise Him for another day. Allow me to say we are all rooted in His rythmn and as long as you give Him the parise for your life first, your choice is good. May your C# be sharp, let your F note not be flat and let your G denote that God's Son will sing over your life if you let him. I'm just saying, while I'm singing His parises that He can sing for you today in His kinda way. My prayer for you today is to respect yourself when you sing and your rythmn will roll.Love, Brother Frank

by Iwanaga 09:42:54 PM 2012.07.25
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