Kevin, this will probably sound a llttie corny and probably it'll look like im sucking up to you, but let me tell you this I dont know if you'll get to read this, I hope you do:What you are doing by transforming your body, and taking the time to let us in on it and share it with us and pump us up so we can also do it ourselves is nothing short of miraculous. Not too many bodybuilders (I dont know of any) do this. It really shows you care about us, your fans, and don't just see us as a dollar sign you geniunelly care about us and want to pump us up with your enthusiasm and your love and sacrifice, so that WE also get in the gym and bust our butts and get it done as well. It is GREATLY appreciated and I am SO thankful you have done this, Kev, you have no idea. You are may FAVORITE bodybuilder of all time and to see the kind of person you are, just makes me like you and admire you even more.Also, by doing this you are putting to good use the gifts the Lord has given you, which ALSO is very important. God blessed you with a great gift, a great career, and a BUNCH of knowledge, and by you sharing it with us, you are not burying those talents, rather, putting them in good use, and the Lord will bless you for that.God bless you and there are no words that express the gratitude I feel towards what you are doing, so I'll just say: THANK YOU.Nelson
by Marco 09:49:30 AM 2013.01.29 |