Krystal and Happy Renter there are FAR better rtuerns out there then 4.5% and losing your MI reduction but if paying off your Mortgage gives you financial peace then go for it. I have always been of the opinion that you never really OWN a home. Ownership comes with so many associated bills that when deciding to BUY and NOT rent its ALWAYS an investment. With taxes , insurance, dues, maintenance, assessments, utilities, and upkeep having one extra bill of paying a mortgage with a low interest is not worth paying off especially while we still have the MI deduction.Staying liquid in a depreciating asset environment is economic power..While the value of your asset declines the value of your money in buying assets increases. However, we all have different financial goals and live at different ages in our life .Peace of mind, for many, and the feelings of a paid off mortgage makes people feel GOOD so I'm all for it ..just not for me Rate this comment: 0 0
by John 10:41:54 AM 2013.01.26 |