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Poll: witch animal described you
Question: witch animal described you
• Dragon
• Pig
• Dog
• Fox
• Demon
• Crackhead

Created at 03:39:05 AM 2008.06.25

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Comments (2)
I can't believe I've been going for years without knwonig that.

by Victory 12:31:09 PM 2011.07.10
RE: Agreed- folks will seek out cheaper liivng, less crime, and a greater sense of community. And if there is to be a manufacturing resurgence it will most likely be in the Midwest where some of the required infrastructure still remains and the political climate, tax structure, etc. is more friendly.Seattle will be flat to declining (if Boeing moves) for some time. It's nice here, but there are plenty of cheaper, nicer, drier, etc. places. Rate this comment: 0 0

by Dhanya 07:12:56 AM 2015.10.29
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